THE VALUE OF COACHING by James PerrySome of you may know that I am a big fan of coaching and being coached. I have and have always had coaches in my life. Boxing & Wrestling Coaches, Guitar Coaches, Spiritual Coaches, Yoga Coaches, Financial Coaches & Business Coaches. A few years back, I worked with a business coach who had also worked with the front office team for the Denver Broncos. He shared with me that on the Denver Broncos NFL team they had 1.75 coaches for every 2 players on the staff. Believe me, the coaches were not teaching professional football player how to play football, rather, how to play football at the highest level.

Executive coaching has become a highly desirable offering in many companies and viewed as an effective retention tool. Organizations that want to invest in their talented leaders and team will partner them with a coach as a proactive developmental strategy. They appreciate the value they bring to the organization and would like to provide additional resources to enable them to grow and progress further. It is development based and focused on the individual’s growth. It’s an investment not only in the individual, but also in the organization. One of the benefits of coaching is building individual talents and potential as a business strategy. It embraces and enacts a culture that human capital is their greatest asset and the foundation of gaining a competitive edge within the marketplace. After all, we are truly in the relationship business.

The objective of a coach is to earn trust, build a relationship and create a partnership with the individual they are coaching. The objective of the partnership is an investment in the individual as a valued talent, focused on their development with clearly defined and determined objectives. The coach provides a neutral, objective perspective as a sounding board to encourage as well as challenge the individual to try new approaches, and strategies. They are able to offer tools, techniques and resources to support the individual in stretching in different ways and continue to reinforce those strategies as they face successes and challenges in doing so. The coach plays that role for a specific time period, typically 6-12 months, providing a strong foundation for which the individual continues on their own. Coaching is just the beginning of a process that extends well beyond their time together.

The best scenario for coaching is when it is viewed as a development opportunity for both the individual and the organization to stretch out of their comfort zone and achieve greater value to impact individual and business performance. The individual’s input and support is also a key ingredient to ensuring a successful outcome. Respecting the confidentiality of the coaching relationship while providing essential feedback and reinforcement from the leader is critical.

When coaching is embraced as a proactive strategy, it offers an opportunity for the individual to play a lead in their own career growth. Having an effective structure is vital for success. Creating a specific structure at the onset of the engagement that lays out meeting timelines, milestones that will be achieved along the way, desired outcomes, as well as follow up for evaluation and on-going accountability of those outcomes is essential. There is no comfort in the risk zone and there is no risk in the comfort zone.

When choosing a coach, consider 4 possible steps: 1) Initial – mutually agreed upon objectives; 2) Midway – clearly articulated development plan; 3) Completion – assessment of behaviors changed, progress achieved; and 4) Conclusion – formal evaluation of coaching process in preparation for transitioning to non-coaching scenario and individual accountability.

Benefits of coaching include:

  1. High level of engagement – Perfect practice
  2. Empowerment and accountability
  3. Increased team effectiveness
  4. Improved Communications
  5. Increased level of connection and retention
  6. Results – direct impact on individual and business performance

Individuals & organizations that choose to invest in their talent reap the rewards from reaching their utmost potential and being the best they can be. Due to the highly desirable rewards received by coaching, I personally invest in my own development by engaging coaches. Make no mistake, partnering with a coach and engaging in one’s own development is difficult work, however, is worth every moment of it. I believe that it is our responsibility to grow ourselves and that by embracing the concept of ‘owning one’s personal development will play a critical role in developing tools, resources and strategies to do so. Coaching is a very goos life & business strategy that will enable you to gain and maintain a competitive edge in life. Investing in your personal growth and future is ultimately the most rewarding experience for the individual and those he or she serves. Remember, what got you here will not get you there. If you want something you never had, you will have to do something you’ve never done.






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