we offers dealing in trust deed investment

Trust Deed Investments

Alliance Portfolio is your reliable source for trust deed investments

Trust deed investments are loans secured by real estate, often referred to as mortgages. Trust deed investments include 3 primary components:

  • Promissory Note. Promissory Note is the debt instrument which outlines the terms and conditions of the loan, including the principal amount, interest rate, payment schedule, and term of the loan. In essence, a promissory note outlines the responsibilities and obligations set forth between the lender and the borrower. It is a legally binding contract that is secured by a recorded deed of trust.
  • Deed of Trust. A Deed of Trust is a collateral instrument whereby legal title in real property is transferred to a third-party trustee, which holds it as security for a loan (promissory note) between a borrower and a lender. A deed of trust contains three primary components:

    • The Trustor or borrower
    • The Trustee, a third-party entity that holds legal title on behalf of the beneficiary.
    • The Beneficiary, which is the lender/investor.
  • Title Insurance Policy – A title insurance policy provides legal and financial protection against unknown risks. A title policy insures a lender’s priority of the lien positions in the chain of title.

trust deed investments Compliance & Due Diligence real estate trust deed

Alliance Portfolio adheres to a systematic due diligence process that includes:

  • Regulatory compliance & disclosures. Alliance Portfolio is a threshold lender and is regulated by the California Department of Real Estate (DRE) California Department of Real Estate (DRE) . Each quarter, we are required to submit a Trust Account Inspection for Multi-Lender Transactions by a Certified Public Accountant to the DRE.
  • Property appraisal. Alliance Portfolio orders a third-party independent appraiser to inspect and evaluate each property we lend on.
  • Preliminary title search. Verifying property taxes, existing liens, chain of title, easement, restrictions, and borrowers’ vesting.
  • Borrower loan package. With each borrower, we require completed borrower loan application and disclosures, income and asset verification, employment verification, credit report, background checks, use of proceeds, and the exit strategy for payoff.
  • Fire & liability insurance. Alliance Portfolio and successors are named as additional loss payees.
  • A complete due diligence package is provided with each trust deed investment opportunity.