Origin of Choice – In the mid twentieth century, there was a Jesuit Priest named Anthony de Mello. De Mello was a product of many different cultures and perspectives: Eastern, Wester even a trained psychotherapist. Timeless wisdom is developed across many different schools, times & ideas. Anthony de Mello wrote a book “The Way to Love” where he states.
“The cause of my irritation is not in this person, but in me”
Criticism from your worst enemy is received differently than negative words form your spouse. If someone send you an angry email but you never see it, did it actually happen.
Keep in mind that it isn’t the one who has it in for you and takes a swipe that harms you, but rather the harm comes from your own belief about the abuse. It is really your own opinion fueling it. These situations require our participation, context and categorization in order to be bad.
Each of us have choice. We are always the one in control. The cause of irritation – or notion that somethings bad, or wrong, comes from us, from our labels or our expectations. We can change those labels; we can change our entitlement and decide to accept and love what’s happening around us. This wisdom has been repeated and discovered in every century and every country since the beginning of time.
Our reaction is what ultimately decides whether harm has occurred. If we feel that we’ve been wronged and get angry, of course that’s how it will seem. If we lose our temper when we feel we are being confronted, naturally confrontation will ensue.There are two rules to keep handy, there is nothing good or bad outside my own reasoned choice, and we shouldn’t try to lead events, but to follow them.
If we retain control of ourselves, we decide whether to label something good or bad. Consider the “take two aspirins and wait strategy or the no strategy, strategy, and chose “not” to react?
120 Vantis Drive #515
Aliso Viejo Ca, 92656
(949) 349-1322
Real Estate Broker
California DRE
License #: 02066939
Alliance Portfolio is a Leading Full-Service, Private Hard Money Lender in California.
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