Dancing is a popular metaphor for life. One must be limber and agile and go along with the flow of the music. You must feel and follow and flow with your partner. Which is always easy with your spouse of 30 years, NOT. But anyone who has ever tried to do something difficult where there is competition or an adversary, knows that the dancing metaphor is a bunch of BS. Nobody gets up on stage and tries to tackle a dancer. The dancer never gets choked out by a rival.
For a wrestler, adversity and the unexpected are part of what they do. Wrestling is a battle, just like life. Wrestlers grapple with an opponent as well as their own limitations, emotions and training or lack of it. Everyone has found themselves outmatched by an opponent, frustrated by some skill or attribute they have that we don’t, height, speed, vision, whatever. How we choose to respond to that struggle tells us about who we are as spouses, parents, professionals and who we are as people. Do we see it as a chance to learn and get stronger? Do we get frustrated and complain? Or worse, do we simply quit and go searching for an easier game to play, one that makes us feel good instead of challenged?
The greats don’t avoid these test of their abilities. They seek them out because they are not just the measure of greatness, they are the pathway to it.
The art of living is more like wrestling than dancing, because an artful life requires being prepared to meet and withstand sudden and unexpected attacks.
Life, like wrestling, requires more than graceful movement. We have to undergo hard training and cultivate an indomitable will to prevail.
120 Vantis Drive #515
Aliso Viejo Ca, 92656
(949) 349-1322
Real Estate Broker
California DRE
License #: 02066939
Alliance Portfolio is a Leading Full-Service, Private Hard Money Lender in California.
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