I have been a student of Business, Leadership and Wisdom literature since I first read the book “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill over 40 years ago. In fact, I have read it probably 30 more times since and I am currently sharing it with my staff in our Friday morning book discussions. What I have discovered over these years of studying this type of literature is that people who read business books earn more money – a lot more! – even in tough economic times. I choose a book to read together with my staff and we discuss it each week and challenge ourselves on how we can use what the book is teaching us to add value to our work and our life. In doing so we develop a learning culture, develop a common language based on the lessons that we have learned in each book and implement them into our actions. This ensures that everyone is learning and adding value to their lives and to their work. I previously had a partner up until 2007 when I bought him out. He always criticized me for teaching our employees these meaningful lessons in business and life. He reasoned that if I do, they will just take what I have taught and leave the company. I responded what if I don’t teach them, and they stay?
Many studies have revealed that people who read at least 7 books each year earn over 2.3 times more than those who read only one book each year. One reason is that they have a constant flow of new ideas and strategies in their lives and careers. Given the uncertainty of the ups and downs in the economy and in business, it is a good idea to do everything you can to help your family, team, and company grow. There are endless new and practical ideas to drive success from the business experts of the world. One winning idea, and a book is worth its weight in gold. It is a no risk, bountiful return investment, and there is no downside.
The problem is that very few people take the necessary time to intentionally grow themselves. Regular readers understand the time it requires and the relentless need for up-to-the-minute information these books will provide. In reading these books, we learn about best business practices and powerful insights from leading-edge thinkers, industries experts and renowned business experts. As I drive all over the place to see properties, meet brokers and borrowers, my car becomes a mobile library every time I get behind the wheel. I feel so strongly about this that I always buy the audio version of every book that I read.
As I mentioned before, one of my favorite books is, “Think and Grow Rich”. If you haven’t read it, you should and I promise that you will gain a nugget or two of wisdom. Here is a wonderful nugget from this book that was originally written in 1937. The stories and principles are still valid today.
Assume for a moment that you have in your possession 100 million dollars in gold bars. Would you protect it? Would you safe guard this treasure? Would you respect its value? Of course you would! In comparison your mind and self-image are worth far more than 100 million dollars of gold bars. They are priceless. Your mind is the exclusive source of all you will create spiritually, financially, materially in your life. Your level of joy, happiness, and peace of mind originates from one place – your mind. Now ask yourself, do you protect your mind as carefully as you protect your physical assets?
I continue to tell my family, loved ones, and staff that if you don’t cultivate your own mind, someone else will and it won’t be to your favor.
Until next time…